School districts and ancillary education programs purchase Supportive ED's Academic Connections to offer comprehensive academic support services to help students achieve their academic and post-secondary goals. Academic Connections involves three comprehensive initiatives:
- Online Academic Support
- Post-Secondary Planning Initiatives
- Integrated Writing Support Services
Online Academic Support
Students access and communicate with their academic support team 24/7 in ways that best suit their needs. Supportive ED’s tutoring and academic counseling services provide students access to SBOE certified teachers and school counselors. Students can communicate online with academic coaches in ways that best suit their needs and freely utilize reference tools available on Supportive ED’s platform accessible at www.supportiveed.com.
Post-Secondary Planning Initiatives
To better understand and increase engagement in what they are doing today, students need to realize where they are going in the future. Supportive ED’s staff of state certified school counselors host ongoing sessions with students to discuss their high school education pathway and post-secondary exploration/planning. Supportive ED initiates this service by distributing
grade level specific post-secondary student surveys to assess where students are on the post-secondary planning timeline. Supportive ED then customizes it's approach to ensure its counseling staff address the true needs of each student.
Integrated Writing Support Services
It’s been said that writing is the fuel that drives communication, and communication serves as the framework for our society. If we believe this to be true, it is imperative that we improve the level of writing that is currently exhibited by K-12 students.
To address student writing deficiencies, Supportive ED’s implementation staff works with ELA teachers to support the writing objectives they have for their students. Supportive ED’s Writing Support Services allow teachers to require students to submit their writing assignment drafts online to our SBOE certified English/writing teachers for review.
Access the portal at qannection.com.

Enter your secure login credentials.

Access your home page and select the academic assistance needed.

Schedule a session with the content expert of your choice.

At the time of your session, enter the online classroom, and begin communicating with an academic support professional.

Send a message to one of the content experts about your homework or essay, and receive a quick response with the help you need.